Protest 1980
Histories of activism
Zürich, forty years ago. The inability of the ruling politicians to respond to the demands of the youth sparked off a massive protest movement. Street fights, assemblies, an autonomous youth centre and the statement "Down with the Alps! " took over the city. Although Zürich renounced the guilds, the call "We want everything, and we want it right now" faded away in the busy hustle and bustle of the "planetary working machine". "D'Bewegig" came to an end, but the certainty that the world could also be different, better, freer, more emancipated, still continues to have an effect. Today millions of young people are chanting "System Change, not Climate Change!” Who are these people who drop everything and take to the streets for change? 1980? 2000? 2020? In "Protest 1980", three generations of activists meet and draw a line from the youth movement of the 1980s to the present. Seven narratives form a web of experiences, dreams and disappointments. Where is the way out of capitalism? Between hope and despair, "Protest 1980" turns the theatre into a collective laboratory of political imagination.
— 14 March 2021, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 13 March 2021, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 12 March 2021, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 10 March 2021, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 9 March 2021, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 12 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 11 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 10 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 9 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 8 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 7 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 5 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— 4 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
— PREMIERE: 3 September 2020, Theater Neumarkt, Zürich (CH)
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2020 /
With: Brandy Butler, Fiona Chiappori, Brigitta Jaruvek, Alma Onambele, Leon Pfannenmüller, Miklós Klaus Rózsa Direction and scenography: Michiel Vandevelde Dramaturgy: Nikolai Prawdzic Costumes: Tutia Schaad Assistant costumes: Camil Krings Director assisent: Laura Weibel Production: Theater Neumarkt (Zürich, CH)