Walking piece


         History, the present and new perspectives all connect in one intriguing evening.
Five performers create specific situations, starting from the quest for alternative social and political fictions. Every relation, each figure reflects a different political system. We build these systems using simple materials and ideas: bodies, gestures, sound, distance, soberness and abstraction. The result is a constant reorganization of a certain structure, whereby the spectator is asked to be critically engaged.

Walking piece is inspired by The mind is a muscle, a performance made by the choreographer Yvonne Rainer. This event existed of different chapters in which notions such as democracy and the everyday where constitutive for the movement material.

2011 /          From and with: Pierre Bertrand, Alma Palacios, Benjamin Pohlig, Michiel Vandevelde en Kato Vanpoperinghe Production: Mennomichieljozef vzw With the support of: De Vlaamse overheid Thanks to: fABULEUS en Menno Vandevelde Photos: Clara Hermans

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